Saturday, August 4, 2012

Amelia's Gap-Toothed Grin

Last week on Friday, Amelia finally lost her first tooth. It's been loose for more than a month and wiggled so much the night before she lost it that it was bothering her. I was a little worried she would lose it at night and swallow it! 

The next morning, Amelia was sitting on the potty wiggling the tooth with her tongue when all of a sudden it popped out. This led Isaac to conclude that if you try too hard to poop your loose tooth will fall out. Um, no. I'm still trying to correct that a week later. 

Here's the cutest gap-toothed six-year-old girl telling all about how she lost her very first tooth!

© Trippin' Mama 2012


kkoelmel said...

She is so adorable and gorgeous!
Can't wait to see you all soon. :)

Aunt Mary said...

SOOOOO CUTE! Thanks for sharing your story Amelia!

Anonymous said...

Miss you Amelia!! Love your new smile :) Rowbi and Aunt Susie