Sunday, October 26, 2008

Before and After

For months I've been posting pictures of my ever-expanding waist. So now, if you'll indulge me for just a moment, here's a picture of the shrinkage that has occurred.

On the day I delivered the boys, I had gained 42 pounds and measured 48 1/2 inches around. When I left the hospital, I was already 4o pounds lighter. (Remember, I delivered 16 1/2 pounds of baby!) When I was at the doctor's office last Friday, 16 days after delivery, I weighed 3 pounds less than when I got pregnant.
But, for the sake of comparison, I'll leave you with this video, which we took about an hour before we went to the hospital to have the boys. I affectionately refer to it as, "How Do You Steer This Thing?"


4 AND NO MORE said...

Just checking in on you. Glad to hear that you are ok! Amazing video. I didn't take pictures for the last 6 weeks I was pregnant and now I regret it.

Call if you need me!

Anonymous said...

Wow! That video was great, even able to do a little hoochey (sp) dance;) Glad things are going good for you.

Pam said...

Wow! Your mom was right, the pictures really didn't do it justice. The video sure does. Congrats on the return of your waist!

Suzy said...

More like "How do you walk with that thing?"! Kudos to you for staying upright! :)