Saturday, March 12, 2011

Daylight Savings: Time to Reprogram the Children

More attentive parents I'm sure gently moved their children's naptimes and bedtimes back in 15-minute increments all week to prepare them for the daylight savings time switch. About Wednesday I realized I should be doing that. 

I didn't.

Well, I tried. Sort of. But we generally are having so much fun before bedtime that we can barely get the kids to bed on time any night. Early? Ha!

So, we took the more brutal approach to reprogramming the children.

This morning we all got up as usual at 7 a.m. I immediately set my watch forward an hour. And we implemented our plan to run the children into the ground and skip naptime so we could get them down at 7:30 p.m. DST.

We went to Costco, then to McDonald's for lunch, then to the playground. After nearly three hours on the playground we took the kids for a hike and more play time. Finally at 4 p.m., well past naptime, we loaded them in the van and drove up to the church to drop a few things off.

The boys took a 20-minute snooze in the van, and then we woke them up to play on the church playground.

Poor Isaac could hardly even walk straight when he got out of his carseat and headed for the slides. We spent another hour there and headed home for supper, bath and bedtime.

Jeff likened it to stumbling through your first day with major jetlag. You just don't lay down and sleep until after supper and the next day you're all set. It's brutal, but it works.

All our little people were asleep by 8:30 DST, so we did pretty well. Although they weren't the only ones we ran into the ground! Oh well, a little ibuprofen and we'll sleep well tonight, too.

© Trippin' Mama 2011

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