Thursday, August 29, 2013

First Day of Second Grade!

School started the first week of August, but as I'm playing catch up, you get to see the pics today. Amelia bounded onto the bus that first day, and her school year is off to a great start.

The boys didn't make a fuss about her getting on the school bus that morning, but they were upset that she was going back to school and wouldn't be around to play with them. Very sweet.

Alex was terribly upset a couple weeks later when he said he'd be going to school when he turned five. I realized he thought he would be going the minute he turned five, rather than NEXT school year. Yikes! He was not happy when I explained he had to wait until next year.

Hope that enthusiasm for school continues!

© Trippin' Mama 2012

1 comment:

kkoelmel said...

Oh my goodness! She's so grown up she hardly even looks like the same little girl I met when I first met your family! I'm glad to see new posts up and to hear that everything is going well for all of you. :) I miss all of your kiddos' sweet faces.