Wednesday, March 25, 2009

At Least I Don't Have to Clean This Toilet

Some days you're just not sure what to blog about. Then, suddenly, your neighbor decides to put his old yellow toilet out in the backyard for a planter. Before nap time. So you can even get photos for the blog. Some people get lemons. I get lemon yellow toilets.

I looked out the kitchen window about 10:30 this morning and saw this lovely yellow toilet (which is visible from EVERY window on the entire west side of my house and from my deck) had taken up residence in the neighbor's backyard.

Perhaps a nickname will make it more palatable. I think I'll call it "Old Yeller."

I know they are remodeling a bathroom, so I hoped it was only temporary. Half an hour later my neighbor was putting decorative rock around it. Crap. Perhaps it's not temporary. I can't wait to see what Amelia has to say about this.

Now, these are great neighbors, and if the worst thing they every do is use a toilet as a planter, that's pretty minor. Still, because I am who I am, I thought maybe I could talk them out of it.

So, I opened my back door and yelled to my neighbor.

"Hey, Jerry! Do you need to use my bathroom?"

He replied, "It's our new outhouse, like it?"

Polite laughter from me. "Jerry, don't tell me I'm going to have to look at that thing from my kitchen window and my deck."

"I thought it looked kind of nice."

Sure does, right up there with a velvet Elvis and the picture of the dogs playing poker.

"To each his own, but no matter what you plant in it, it will still look like a toilet. You do know the trash men will take that away for free, right?"

Maybe, just maybe, he'll change his mind. If not, just think how much fun three two-year-old boys will have with a toilet in the neighbor's backyard. I'll bet nothing will grow in there that summer.


Kitty said...

Maybe it will stay there long enough so you can use to potty train the least it would then have purpose.

Anonymous said...

Christy, you are nothing if not subtle..."Do you need to use my bathroom?" and "You do know the trash men will take that away for free, right?". What I really want to know is what car does Jerry have under that cover in the picture?

Anonymous said...

Hysterical. By the way, I think your neighbor's sister lives next door to me... sigh

Christy AKA Trippin' Mama said...

A toilet planter is such a subtle statement itself, right? Of course I wasn't subtle. I want that thing gone!

As for the car, I've seen it, and I can't remember. Nothing too fancy, just a car from about the late 60s.
