Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Water Torture

Last night in our house went like this:

11 p.m. - Finish the chores and turn out the lights.


11:05 p.m. - Sam cries and takes a pacifier.


2:20 a.m. - Amelia is cold and needs her covers.


2:35 a.m. - Amelia cries.


2:50 a.m. - Amelia wants Daddy. She gets Mommy.


3:20 a.m. - Isaac screams. Takes pacifier.


3:40 a.m. - Sam screams...and screams...and screams while Daddy holds him.


4 a.m. - Change Sam's dirty diaper.


4:10 a.m. - Isaac cries. Hunt for pacifier. It works again.


4:30 a.m. - Isaac cries. Daddy tries to resettle him.


Lacking my husband's ability to roll over and go back to sleep, from about 3 a.m. on I just laid there waiting for the next cry for help. Every time I closed my eyes, I was awakened by another cry. It was torturous. Finally at 5 a.m. I went to the basement in an attempt to get an hour of uninterrupted sleep. Jeff had to get up with Isaac between 5 and 6:45, but he was the only one, thank heavens!

Today Alex is pretty much back to his old self, and Sam and Isaac seem much better, so hopefully we're almost over this gastrointestinal battle and tonight will be better.

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