Sunday, November 28, 2010

He Gets That From YOUR Side Of The Family

Isaac was cracking us up the other day when the boys were having their noisy fun. We laughed and laughed, and then we started pointing fingers at each other. "He must get that from YOUR side of the family!

No matter where Isaac gets it from, (His daddy! It's MY blog!) this is just further evidence that the children should wear their bicycle helmets at ALL times!
© Trippin' Mama 2010


Jen said...

Oh yeah, that trait is totally on the Y chromosome. ;)

Suzy said...

HA, love the tray head-banging at the end! Definitely a guy thing!

Anonymous said...

The y chromosome is different than telling the world that 'his' side of the family is bad. I believe they deserve respect on 'your' blog too.

Jean.B said...

Sorry- the previous comment did not add my name.


Suzy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Suzy said...

For the record, I re-read the post, and Christy didn't once say that what Isaac was doing was BAD. Rather, it was funny and cute (that's why she posted the video), and she even says that Jeff was also joking that the behavior came from HER side of the family. Seems to me that it's equal opportunity humor around here! :)

Christy AKA Trippin' Mama said...

Jean, see Suzy's comment for clarification.

Isaac's head banging was funny, not bad. Jeff and I were laughing about whose side of the family was responsible for the mischievous, "Gee, wouldn't it be funny if I banged this on my head?"

No disrespect intended -- just good, clean fun!

(And I still think it's a boy thing.) :)

Christy AKA Trippin' Mama said...

Oh, and Jean, the world doesn't read my blog. I have a fairly small group of lovely readers, most of whom we know personally or who are friends of friends and generally get my humor.

I hope you keep reading! There's lots more fun to be had.

jfran said...

I can't not laugh at this one. He just slams that thing into his forehead. so great.