Apparently if I want comments I need to write about testicles. Not that I get tons of comments here, but six is double my usual two or three. I'm afraid my boys will give me more opportunities to write about testicles than I care to have, but feel free to throw me a comment even when I'm writing about other subject.
Like, oh, I don't know, not having the bus show up to drop off my child today.
That's right. I walked out to the bus stop with Sam and Alex a couple minutes before Amelia's drop off time. The bus didn't come and didn't come and didn't come. At 20 minutes late, I decided it was time to worry. We live less than a mile from the school and she's the first child off the bus.
I called her teacher, who confirmed that she had put her on bus 52. Jeff called the Transportation Department, and they radioed the bus and confirmed she was on board and would be dropped on in five minutes.
It wasn't five minutes.
Amelia's bus finally arrived a full 30 minutes late, and she was the only child left on the bus.
First, I was relieved she was there. Then I was annoyed, but willing to accept that she is on an alternate day schedule and mistakes happen. So I said to the bus driver, "Was there a problem?
"No, no problem," he replied. "She's an alternate day kid and I just forgot to make the turn."
WHAT? No problem? Believe me IT IS a problem.
No apology, no concern, just a laissez-faire attitude that it was no big deal that I didn't know where my five-year-old was for a good 20 minutes.
Then he said, "She wasn't upset or anything."
Gosh, that makes it all better then. So what that she's not upset? Her mama IS!
As he pulled away Amelia looked up at me and said, "Mom, I got on the right bus!" She was very concerned, and while she wasn't crying she was upset. When the other kids were all getting off she started to wonder if she was on the wrong bus.
Next call for me was to Transportation. After I explained the problem to the dispatcher, I told her I wanted to know how they were going to address the issue with the bus driver.
She said, "I guess I could talk to him."
You GUESS? Really? Apparently no one responsible for transporting our children to and from school really cares whether they get where they are going at all, let alone on time.
I took a pass on Ms. "I Guess I Could Talk to Him" and left a message for the District Superintendent instead. I asked him to call me back and let me know how this issue had been handled and to answer my questions about the policies that are in place to prevent this. We'll see if I get that call.
On the complete opposite end of the scale was Amelia's teacher, who called me back an hour after we spoke to make sure Amelia had gotten home safely. Mrs. M. asked if Amelia was upset, and assured me that from now on she would remind the bus driver that he had an alternate schedule child on board and she was the first stop. And she said she'd report the problem to the principal.
For her to even call me back was incredibly kind and very reassuring. Mrs. M. shouldn't have to remind the bus driver that he needs to drop Amelia off, but I'm grateful she's willing to do so.
Because apparently I can't count on the Transportation Department to do their jobs.
© Trippin' Mama 2011