Monday, June 7, 2010

Boogeroni and Sneeze

Christy has pilates at the Y on Monday nights. That leaves me to tend to the boys and Amelia.

Some nights are better than most. The evening started out normally, rounding up the boys to take them inside. (Alex really really doesn't like to come inside.) Amelia has gotten more helpful, holding the door or holding Isaac's hand while I wrestle Alex through the back door. (Did I mention that Alex really doesn't like to come inside?)

Tonight's meal was macaroni and cheese, already prepared by Christy. The boys were pretty hungry and shoveled in the noodles hand over fist. For their dining entertainment, the boys and Amelia have taken to listening to Heywood Banks songs and yes, I am frightened a bit that the boys giggle and laugh when "You Can Be Mean To Me" comes on. I think this is where the evening went wrong. Not life threateningly wrong, just wrong.

While I was tending to Amelia's YouTube requests for Iowa 80 (corn corn corn), You Can Be Mean to Me (The Revenge Song) and her favorite, Pancreas, Isaac decided to shove a noodle up his nose. Don't ask how I figured this out because I didn't see it, just some babble about "noonnel" and nose. I looked over and he was poking at his nose. I took a look and there it was - the round end of a macaroni noodle. Before I could do anything, Isaac poked at it, trying to get it out, only to push it further in. I ran over and grabbed the nose bulb and tried to suck it out with little luck. Darn hole in the noodle. Next up, a flashlight and tweezers, but still no luck.

At this point I have Isaac on a pillow in the play room and Amelia is asking if she can "help." I am thinking about the emergency room visit we will have if I don't get that stupid noodle out. I try the nose sucker again and get a little piece, but there is still more in there and Isaac is crying - crying for Mommy because Daddy was "being mean to me." Loud cries and there it was. For a moment I saw the noodle poke out. Could he possibly blow the silly thing out? He wasn't going to do it on his own.

I closed off the "good" nostril but that wasn't enough. Still crying. I let him get a good deep breath - that's what a small child does when he is about to scream - and then covered the good nostril and his mouth. That poor boy let loose and pop, up over my shoulder flew the remainder of that darn noodle. It landed on the floor two feet behind me.

So no emergency room visit, but a little trauma to the boy. Maybe he won't put food up his nose again. Or maybe I need to start sleeping with one eye open.

(If you don't get that lat line, just watch the Revenge Song.)


Note: Christy here. Hope you enjoyed this rare guest post from the WBH. You can see why I call him the world's best! Saved us a $300 emergency room visit tonight. And for the record, I found out about this incident when Jeff sent me a text that included a photo of the piece of noodle that Isaac shot across the room. Yuck!
Also, sorry if you missed me yesterday. My blog host had technical problems that prevented me and thousands of others from accessing our blogs. I'll drop in an extra post sometime this week to make up for being out of commission yesterday, so I can still meet my goal of 365 posts this year.
© Trippin' Mama 2010


Angela said...

This was great! Thanks for the laugh!

Jen said...

We had a noddle/sneeze incident once too. ;)

Too funny.

Mary said...

Did I ever tell you about the peanut up AJ's nose or the rock Josh stuck in his ear..... neither took an ER visit just some 3 or 4 year old wisdom! Its never ever dull with kids is it? Fun to see Jeff post- you actually will give Christy a run for her money with the humor Jeff! That post made me laugh outloud!

Mags said...

Be grateful it was still visible and was only a noodle. Dad the ENT has all manner of ER stories about extracting coins, insects, and countless other items from all three locations covered in his profession.

Christy AKA Trippin' Mama said...

Mary, I remember something about the rock in the eat, but not about how you got it out. Now that you've reminded me about your incidents, we know who to call first!

And Jeff did do a great job in telling this story. He should post more often.
