Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween Redux

We started the evening with four pirates.

Alex, Isaac, Sam and Amelia ~ Halloween 2011

But we wound up with three pirates and a "pirate princess."

Amelia, Isaac and some neighborhood kids

That girl's like Madonna -- lots of costume changes. The same thing happened last year.
The theme of the night was "Open this." I am amazed that no one puked before the evening was over. They all ate so much junk!

Bedtime was a little rough, and today was no treat either. Seems that not all the monsters come out on Halloween. Not all of them are pint-sized either!

Here are some of the fun decorations we made for Halloween. The ideas all came from Pinterest.

There were paper plate ghosts:

Milk jug ghosts that we used to line our walkway. I put battery-operated tea lights in them.

And my favorite, these footprint ghosts:

Here's a close up. So cute!

Halloween was fun, but I'm glad it's over!

© Trippin' Mama 2011

1 comment:

allison said...

So now that you are done with that diapering phase of your life, I thought I would share a great little design thing I found online --

