Thursday, May 14, 2009

Shout Out on Multiples and More

When it rains, it pours! Today I'm being featured on the Multiples and More Blog Network. If you've followed the link from Multiples and More and are here for the first time, welcome!

Lani and Amanda asked me for a list of my favorite posts, and it was tough to choose! I sent them lots to pick from, but here are a few for you to enjoy or enjoy again.

Was That Gucci? - You've got to read this story to believe it!
Jingle Bell Joy - Video from Amelia's Christmas pageant.
36 Unbelievable Weeks - Check out the size of this pregnant lady. Hey, that's me!
You Can Do It. We Can Help? - Here's a trip to Home Depot that just can't be beat.
Mean Santa - Santa's mean, but mommy's a genius.
Babies Dance - 34 weeks pregnant, and a video of the babies moving and grooving.
Could She Do A Little Laundry? - Short and smart alecky, just like me!

Do you have a favorite that I've missed? Let me know and I'll add it to a Favorite Posts list for the left-hand menu.

If you've got a minute, cruise on over to Multiples and More and check out their feature of my blog and their other offerings.



mandbrid said...

I just came over from Multiples and More...can't wait to read through your blog!

Mama (Heidi) said...

Popping over from Multiples and More. Your writings are very funny and had me laughing out loud at work.
My name is Heidi and I suffer from Momnesia.

Helene said...

Congrats on being the featured blogger today on MaM's! I'll be sure to come back and read your other posts that were featured but right now I have two 2-yr olds tugging at my legs and two 4-yr olds pulling each other's's gonna be one of those days!

monica said...

Congrats on the feature today!

Angela said...

Come to find out our due dates were one week apart! Can't believe how far you made it! AMAZING! Our 3 were born 1 month before yours. Too fun to see other trips the same age! Congrats on being featured on MaM!I'm a gonna follow yours! thanks for the laughs!

Angela said...

Just couldn't help myself. I wanted my family and friends to find your blog too so I posted about yours!

Johanna at The Baker Twins said...

Here from Multiples and more - definitely adding you to my favorites bar. Your babies are precious, and I have enjoyed reading your favorites. Now I'll go read the rest - Hooray for my twins' bedtime! :)
-Johanna in Texas

Anonymous said...

Congrats on being featured. Off to check out the posts. Your kids are adorable.

Anonymous said...

The Gucci bag story is, hands down, my all-time favorite, too. I so enjoyed reading it again!! Amy Raley