Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Seven Loads of Gratitude

It's 11:30 at night and I just put the seventh and final load of laundry in the dryer.

I am trying to be grateful that we have enough clothes and towels and jackets to even make seven loads of laundry.

Yessiree. Seven loads of gratitude.


Mostly snot-covered gratitude this week, but still gratitude.

And while it's challenging to be grateful for laundry, my happiness is very, very real.

Because just for a moment, everything in this house is clean. It's not all folded and put away, but it's all clean.

That's about as close to Laundry Nirvana as I've ever come. I'll take my victories where I can find them.


Aunt Mary said...

That makes me think of something we all read a million times... I think with a few words changed it works right here as well.

Thank God for dirty clothes, they have a tale to tell. While other folks are cold we are covered quite well. With home and health and happiness we shouldn't make a fuss, for by this stack of evidence God is very good to us! AMEN

Suz said...

Aunt Mary, can I copy that for my laundry room wall? That's fantastic!

Christy AKA Trippin' Mama said...

On Aunt Mary's behalf, let me say yes, copy away. She has changed a prayer we all read a million times because it hung on a plaque over my mom's sink when we were kids.

It said: Thank God for dirty dishes, they have a tale to tell. While other folks go hungry, we are eating very well. With home and health and happiness, we shouldn't make a fuss, for by this stack of evidence God's been very good to us! AMEN!