Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

Happy Easter! I hope everyone enjoyed the holiday as much as we did.

Amelia's Easter artwork. Too cute!

This was the first year Amelia understood and was excited about the Easter Bunny and her Easter basket. And, thanks to help from some neighbors, we all got to go to church as a family, which was a wonderful celebration in itself. The boys were very good, and so was Amelia, but then she usually is good in church. She tends to talk a lot, but she says "I talk quietly, Mama."

Amelia and I made cupcakes for Easter dinner dessert, and we even loaded everyone up a second time to go to the park for an hour after Amelia got up from her nap. All in all, it was a great day.

Here are some pics. I couldn't get Amelia and the boys together. No one had enough patience for that!

Amelia "paints" Easter eggs.

Look what the Easter Bunny brought!

Dad teaches Amelia how to peel an Easter egg.

She's got it all figured out!

Sam, Alex and Isaac in their Easter overalls.

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