Sunday, July 20, 2008

Uff Da!

Whew! These babies are really taking it out of me this week. The doctor says they should start to grow fast now, so it's probably a growth spurt on the way -- a very good thing, as we want big, healthy babies!

And as another plus, as they get bigger, they will have less room to haul back and kick mom with all their might. What are the doing in there? Playing World Cup soccer? Jeff can see my belly jump from across the room these days.

So today while I napped, Jeff and Amelia went to Costco. Jeff says it's her new favorite store. They sampled their way around the store and she had strawberry ice cream.

"Brr. Cold!"

"I yike it."

~Amelia on strawberry ice cream

Then she had a garlic chip with tzatziki (cucumber) dip, which she also liked. Then she had pizza, and topped it all off with animal crackers. I think we've found a way to feed the kids for free once a week! :-)

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