Wednesday, January 4, 2012

2011 In Review: Part Two

Ready for round two of our trip down memory lane? Here it is!

What color is your poodle?
The wedding: Let them eat cake!
Isaac sings, in costume!

Amelia rode the "chool" bus for her first day of kindergarten.
We went to the fair where we fed the animals and fished.
The one about testicles.
Bus 52? I'd like my child back.

Amelia and I took a girls' only trip to see Aunt Judy.
I caught the boys on video playing their version of Duck, Duck, Goose.
My park pooper finally started going on the potty.

My kids are giving me ADD.
I had to deal with a dress-up dilemma.
The boys turned THREE!
It was a swirly, more or less.
I added an Absentee Mom to my $%#^ list.

Halloween costumes, crafts and more.
I showed off my asymmetrical prom dress, circa 1989.Isaac cut his own hair.
The kids helped me make Thanksgiving dinner.

A new rule to add to the list.
Isaac finds a monster under his bed.
Our Elf on the Shelf got out of hand.
I made some homemade Christmas gifts.

Ahh, 2011 was a good year in many, many ways. And we're starting out 2012 with the boys fully potty trained and having learned how to lay down and sleep in their beds with a minimum of antics. Amelia's loving school, and Jeff's got no business travel on the horizon. I have no idea what adventures this year will hold, but I'm looking forward to it!

© Trippin' Mama 2011

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